HVAC Filter Change Out: Everything You Need To Know

If you’ve ever wondered how often to replace HVAC filter in your home, you’re not alone. Many people wonder if you actually need to replace them often, or if it’s just another scam to get you to spend more money every month.

But for those of you who have experienced the negative side effects of an over-working air conditioning unit or have tried running HVAC without filter and seen the consequences in the form of a pricey HVAC bill, you know that having filters in place is extremely important! 

Your HVAC filter is crucial to optimizing the life of your unit and it’s performance overall. It also increases the air quality in your home (which is really important if you struggle with allergies or feel like you’re constantly getting sick). And if you have pets? You especially need to make a point of changing your filter regularly!

Let’s break down everything you need to know about how often to replace HVAC filter in your home, signs you need a new filter (like yesterday), and a few tips for keeping your entire HVAC system running smoothly.

HVAC Filter Change: What Does An HVAC Filter Do?

Your air conditioning unit is a delicate piece of equipment, and it should be treated as such! That being said, the best way you can show a little love to your unit is by using an air conditioning filter.

Filters have a big role to play in your unit’s life, as well as your own health. You’ve probably walked down the filter aisle at the store and seen the incredible variety available. Not only are there dozens of different sizes, but there are also filters with different purposes as well!

For example, filters can do things like trap dust, allergens, and debris to prevent these things from circulating in the air. Your HVAC filter takes on an amazing role, including filtering out dust, pet dander (for my fur-loving friends!), mold spores, pollen, bacteria, and so much more!

And when it comes to the health of your unit, your filter keeps those nasty elements from clogging up the system as a whole! So what happens when you don’t change it out frequently or, even worse, have the problem of running HVAC without filter in place?

When you run into one of these problems, you’ll see the cost on your unit (literally!). Dirty or non-existent filters cause your unit to work much harder than it needs to, increasing your energy bill and leading to potential breakdowns!

What About A Reusable HVAC Filter?

A reusable HVAC filter or washable HVAC filter could be a cost-efficient solution, but they don’t always work as well as disposable filters. 

The biggest problem comes with actually washing them. Sometimes, you can’t easily get all of the debris out of the filter with your ac air filter cleaning, which defeats the purpose of using one in the first place!

However, if you’re willing to manage the upkeep in order to save some money (because filters can get pretty pricey!), make sure that you find a washable HVAC air filter with a frame. This will ensure that it stays in place and makes it much easier to put in and remove!

dirty HVAC air filter next to a new clean air filter

How Often Should I Change My HVAC Filter?

The general recommendation by most manufacturers is to change HVAC air filter every 30-90 days. However, when our techs are asked when to change air filter in house, they recommend more frequent changes, especially during the hot summers when your unit runs much more.

This is such a broad range because there are various factors that can determine whether or not you need a new filter. Things like the type of filter you have, your household environment, and how much you use your AC unit will change the recommendation. 

Let’s break down these factors even further.

HVAC Air Filter Types

Many people look for the best HVAC filter, but the best one is going to depend on a variety of factors. For example, there are filters made of fiberglass, pleated styles, washable, and air filter HEPA options. A HEPA filter is a High Efficiency Particulate Air filter that can capture up to 99.97% of particles in the air, making them extremely efficient. 

Another consideration is the MERV rating of your filter. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. A filter with a higher MERV rating is going to be able to capture more particles but will need to be changed more often. You will find that a home air filter for allergies or for families with pets will have higher MERV ratings than a standard filter.

Household Size

It’s pretty safe to say that the more people and pets in your household, the more dust and debris will be moving around. Bigger households will bring in a wider variety of allergens and levels of dirt, which means there are more particles for your filter to pick up.

Additionally, having pets will increase the frequency of changing your filters. Not only do they track dirt and debris into the home just like humans, they also shed which can clog up your filters very quickly (and why it’s even more important to always make sure there is an AC unit air filter installed, so none of that pet dander gets into your unit!)

Finally, those who have allergies or asthma can really benefit from a consistent HVAC air filter replacement to improve the air quality in their home.

HVAC System Usage

As we mentioned earlier, our techs here in Southern Nevada recommend pretty frequent ac filter changes, and this is a big reason why. The more your unit runs, the more frequently you will need to change your HVAC filter! So when it gets to 120 degrees during the summer months, you need to take that into consideration and get a new filter installed at least once a month!

Indoor Air Quality

The quality of air outside the home can have a big impact on the quality inside. For example, you might have a dirty HVAC air filter more often if you live in the city or near industrial areas where there is an increased amount of pollutants. 

Additionally, using candles, smoking, or cooking often can increase the amount of debris in the home, filling your air filters much quicker.

When Is It Time For An HVAC Filter Change?

With the varying time frame to change your AC filter, how do you know when you need to change yours? It’s time for an HVAC filter change when you notice one or more of the following signs:

  1. There is visible dust/dirt on the filter. When you look at your air filter for the home, does it look dirty? The best way to tell whether or not dirt is visible on the filter is by removing it and holding it up to the light. If you can see light shining through and there doesn’t seem to be much debris, you can probably hold off on changing the filter. If it’s dark and you can see all of the dust caked on the filter, time to toss it out and get a new one!

  2. Increase in allergies or respiratory issues. If you are someone who deals with allergies or asthma, your body may be able to tell you when it’s time for a change!

  3. Higher energy bills. Your air conditioning unit has to work harder when there is a dirty filter, which means it will be overworking to keep your home cool. This is why we encourage you to change your filters often… before your electric bill takes a hit.

  4. Inconsistent heating or cooling. A dirty air filter may prevent proper airflow from circulating through the unit, causing the system to work harder.

  5. Unusual noises from your HVAC unit. Many times, customers call because their unit is making a strange noise. While it’s always best to call a tech to make sure there aren’t any underlying issues, changing your air filter may take the edge off of how hard your unit is straining!

man completing an HVAC filter change out

How To Change HVAC Filter

If you want a step-by-step for how to change HVAC air filter, you’re in luck!

  1. Turn off the HVAC system. Make sure that the air conditioning unit isn’t currently running while you change the filter. This will make it a lot easier to get the filter in place, as well as prevent any additional debris from getting into the unit during the change. You can turn off your system by simply setting the thermostat to off and waiting for the unit to stop blowing. 

  2. Locate the filter. The HVAC filter location may vary in your home, but the majority of the time you’ll find it somewhere on the ceiling. The only time this may differ is if you live in a mobile home, when the filter may be next to the furnace or on the floor. Typically, the filter is secured by a grate that can be easily popped open or removed to access the filter.

  3. Check the filter size. There are dozens of different filter sizes, so the best way to make sure you get the right one is by checking the filter that is already installed. You should be able to see the size of the filter along the outer edge.

  4. Insert the new filter properly. This part is important! The correct AC air filter direction is necessary to make sure it captures the debris properly. So which way does HVAC air filter go? You should see some arrows on your new filter. Make sure those arrows are pointed towards your unit!

  5. *BONUS* Set reminders for next time. The best way to make sure you change your filter often is by setting a reminder! You can do this in your phone or by writing it on the calendar. It might also be helpful to write the date you installed the filter on the new filter to help you keep track of how long you can go in between an HVAC filter change!

What Happens If You Don’t Do An HVAC Filter Change Regularly?

Putting off an HVAC filter change can cause a variety of problems, such as straining your HVAC system, increasing your energy bills by up to 15% or more, shortens the lifespan of your air conditioning and heating unit, and can lead to poor indoor air quality. 

The way to prevent all of these is simple: make sure you change your air filter regularly!

How can I tell what type of filter I have?

The best way to tell the size and type of your air filter is simply by seeing what is already installed! Almost all air filters will have the information you need right there on the frame of the filter. We recommend taking a picture of the size and type of filter you have, and then head to the store to find the same one!

Can I clean and reuse disposable filters?

Cleaning and reusing disposable air filters is not recommended for a few reasons. First of all, they aren’t meant to be reused, meaning dirt and debris can stay stuck in the filter even after you clean it. Over time, this can cause problems for your unit’s efficiency and lifespan. Additionally, water can get trapped in the filter leading to mold growth. Lastly, the materials of disposable air filters aren’t meant to get wet, meaning the parts of the filter that are paper or cardboard could fall apart during the washing process.

How often should I check my HVAC filter in high-usage months?

You should check your filter every 30 days. However, in months where your unit may be running more than normal, it wouldn’t hurt to do a quick visual inspection every two weeks to make sure it is still clean enough to use.

What is the difference between standard and HEPA filters?

There are many ways that standard and HEPA filters differ, but the main difference is in their efficiency. AirServ explains that standard filters are made from materials such as polyester or cotton, while HEPA filters are made from thin-glass fibers or activated carbon-based materials. This means that HEPA filters can capture over 99.5% of debris and particles and have the highest MERV rating, while standard filters remove 80-85% of particles.

Does AC Filter Air?

Overall, the best way to make sure that your HVAC system can do its job is to make sure that you have a quality and clean air filter in place! When there is a dirty filter or no air filter in house, your unit isn’t able to filter out the dust and debris that accumulates from the people and pets living inside, leading to a strain on the system and increase in your power bill. We recommend changing your filters every 30 days bare minimum, but the best way to determine how often you need to change yours is by doing visual inspections and keeping an eye on the efficiency of your unit!

This is why Next Gen Refrigeration offers a maintenance program for our customers. By joining the maintenance plan, you’ll receive two unit check-ups each year (once before the summer and once before winter) to make sure that your unit stays in shape. Plus, by joining the maintenance program, you receive a 15% discount on parts and labor if something goes wrong.

Give our office a call and ask how you can join our maintenance plan!